Something just caught my eye as I opened my MSN window. It is amazing how people expose their feelings through simple and harmless words, and it's even more amazing how other people interpret them. It happened to me once, I wrote something there, but my intention got lost in the amount of different reactions. There's always an "I love somebody" or songs, songs are my favorite.. I've already written about it, about how some songs are perfect to describe a moment or a feeling... Sometimes you write things thinking nobody will get the true meaning. Hoping for that, actually...

But what caught my attention was something I've been thinking for a long time. I probably misinterpreted the sentence, but once you write something, those words don't belong to you anymore...
It was something about a Countdown. And it made me think of the shortness of life and of how freaking small we are in comparison to everything that surrounds us. I've always heard the sentence: Think outside the box. And I've just realized that "outside the box" is huge! We keep moving forward and forward and forward, and doing things for a future that may or may not happen, but we keep going on, we keep on trying...
Life is short cause the "outside of the box" is too big to fit in it. We always have to set some goal and we're always on the countdown to get there and when we get there, we set another goal and everything is the same, a new countdown, a new cycle... just to masker reality... and reality is that we are just counting the steps to the end.
But what matters is that we have the choice of making our lives' countdown worth all the trouble. Everything has a start... and an end. That's life and we can't fight it. Things end 'cause they are supposed to end, give up trying to figure that out, it's a lost cause!
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ResponderExcluirthis text of yours reminds me somehow the "moments of being" we talked about during Leonardo's lectures about Mrs. Dalloway.
ResponderExcluirI beleive and, in this sense, I agree with you that we live our lives in a countdown for something, may this something be special or not, it does not really matter, we wait, always, for Godot? rs
The thing is that life's shortness can make us get lost in a trap. A trap of competition, running and irreflexive actions.
But most of the people do not see that what is worth is what IS not what WILL BE, it is the moment of existence, it is all we have, 'cause "the rest is silence", right? =)
Can we have both of them and find our balance? present and future, living and planning...
I've always tried, all my life, sometimes I tend to one side and I tell myself "oh you're too serious" or "too iresponsible". Maybe this is my balance.. no answers yet.. and that is the best part, because I don't want any answers! rs I prefer the questions!
Well, nice text! a lot of food for thought! xD a lot of questions arising ;)
I don't wanna count the steps to the end. But, sometimes, I think that I just can't help it.